I don’t like LEGO Ideas anymore
LEGO Ideas is a program enabling amateur designer to have their work become an official LEGO set. However this makes submitted designs unavailable for everyone else to build whether they are selected or not.
The online home of Hypolite Petovan
LEGO Ideas is a program enabling amateur designer to have their work become an official LEGO set. However this makes submitted designs unavailable for everyone else to build whether they are selected or not.
I’ve taken the hobby of reconstituting sets from bins of unsorted LEGO parts I buy from people emptying their attic, and I’ve had the nice opportunity to build a set from Star Wars Episode One, a movie I’ve enjoyed more than most.
I’ve gone back and forth on my opinion of the LEGO Minecraft theme sets, but building the 21153 The Wool Farm set made me finally consider it a failed adaptation.
A local review of The Prom (2020) which action takes place in Indiana tried to make the case the state isn’t that backwards about accepting gay people by resorting to a nasty racist trope.
I’m 36 and I like to describe myself as a life-long LEGO fan but there has been a long stretch of my life after I moved out of my parent’s house when I barely had any LEGO where I lived. Until this Ford Mustang set.
I’m a white man and I’m afraid of the police. Not because I’m been specifically targeted like people from multiple minorities, but because of the arbitrary I’ve learned they’re using to conduct their job.
I bought the LEGO Technic 42098 Car Transporter set to build a custom design, and my decision to still build the official model was a mistake.
When fullscreen applications crash on Windows 10, sometimes it isn’t enough to open the Task Manager with a keyboard shortcut, it will show behind the fullscreen still and be unusable. But using the multi-desktop feature can get rid of the invading still picture to use the Task Manager freely.
I read a Fediverse post simply stating that what makes Twitter bad is the people on Twitter. I do not believe in this oversimplification, even if I believe the Fediverse is a better place than Twitter. But it isn’t because of any people’s quality criterion, rather about general policy and empowering users and admins.
Euro Truck Simulator 2 hides a real game under a deceivingly austere look. I fell for it for contextual reasons, but I stayed with it for its qualities.